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Motivational Monday


GooD Morning,

Happy Monday to all my beautiful ladies & Gents. I posted a quote just above that shook my soul. "Be careful how you are talking to yourself, because you are listening." Yes. What does this mean to you? do you understand the significance in talking things into existence? saying something and believing in it? I do.

For years i never understood the importance of speaking words, listening, and believing in them, when all the while i had been talking to myself and believing in them, negative or positive. I was a at risk child, no father, barely had a mother, grandma raised me in the hood, and did a damn good job at it, but no matter how talented i was, how pretty i was, i didn't believe in myself. I didn't believe i would make it out the hood, even though i told myself that daily. I told myself i would soar higher than anyone I knew, i would reach heights that were unexpected. And I'm here to tell you that you can too.

Speak it into existence. Believe your words, start with a smile this morning at work, that co-worker that keeps getting on your damn nerves, pray for them. That person who doesn't believe in you, Let them go. You are a beauty, a staple, mom, a daughter, a woman, a father, a man. Be you, and be the best you can be. Speak it into existence. I believe in you this Monday. So take this quote and believe in it.

Happy Monday

Heres a video to look into

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